The mission of Saint Faustina

Saint  Faustina Kowalska and the Divine Mercy



1. Bring and proclaim to the world the truth revealed in the Holy Scriptures about the merciful love of God to each person.

2. Extend God’s mercy for the entire world and especially for sinners through practices of worship of the Divine Mercy presented by the Lord Jesus to Sister Faustina herself:


– the feast of the Divine Mercy,
– the image of the Divine Mercy,
– chaplet prayers for the Divine Mercy
– and the prayer at three in the afternoon (hour of Mercy).


Inspire an apostolic movement of the Divine Mercy to proclaim and achieve God’s mercy for the world and aspire to attain Christian perfection following the path of Saint Faustina, trusting fully in God, fulfilling his will and carrying out charitable acts towards our neighbor.


Sr. Maria Faustina expressed her mission in the journal she wrote under instruction from Our Lord, with the authorization of her confessor priests.


The Diary of Sister Faustina is contained in six notebooks written in the form of memoirs, covering the last four years of her holy life. In them, we discover the high degree of union of her soul with God and the depth of her spiritual life. Through the Lord, she received grace, revelations, hidden stigmas and extraordinary gifts: gifts of contemplation, of deep knowledge of the mystery of Divine Mercy, of prophecy, of insight into the human soul, and the rare gift of mystical betrothal with God. (cf. notes of the «Diary» of Santa Faustina). Sr. Maria Faustina wrote the diary by order of her Spiritual Director, Rev. Fr. Miguel Sopocko, and in accordance with her wish to fulfill and obey the will of Jesus: _ * “My daughter, be diligent in writing down every sentence I tell you about My Mercy because the words are destined for a great number of souls who will benefit from them. ” (1142)


Jesus I trust in You