The chaplet of the Divine Mercy

Saint Faustina and the Divine Mercy



The Lord Jesus dictated the chaplet of the Divine Mercy to Sister Faustina between September 13 and 14, 1935, as an instrument to placate the divine wrath (474 ​​- 476). People who pray this prayer offer God the Father “the Body and Blood, the Soul and the Divinity” of Jesus Christ as the atonement of their sins, the sins of their families and those of the whole world. By joining the sacrifice of Jesus, they appeal to this love with which God the Father loves his Son and He all people. In this prayer they also ask for “mercy for us and the whole world” which constitutes a beautiful act of Mercy to others. Each time the chaplet is prayed with faith in God and fulfilling the conditions that should characterize each good prayer (humility, perseverance, submission to the will of God), the faithful can expect the fulfillment of the promises of Christ, especially as  they refer to death: the grace of conversion and a serene death. Moreover, not only people who pray this chaplet can win those graces, but also other people can pray for the dying:


     ”When the chaplet is prayed next to a dying person, divine wrath is placated and unfathomable mercy envelops the soul. ” (811)


The general promise is as follows:  “ For those who pray this chaplet, I am pleased to give them everything they ask of me … if what they ask of me is in accordance with My will ” (1541, 1731 ).


Anything that is contrary to God’s will is not good for man, particularly for his eternal happiness.  “Through the prayer of this chaplet, you bring me humanity. To the souls who pray this chaplet, My mercy will envelop them … in life and especially at the time of death ”(929, 754).


Jesus in You I trust.